Chapter 1. The discussion

– Dad, will you let me miss school today? Come on, please, it’s Friday, okay?

– No son, you must go, it is your responsibility

-Come on, don’t be like that, there are times when Juan’s father allows him to be absent…

-Do not insist! I already told you that if you are going to go, period!

-But Dad!


Years later….

– Hey dad, notice that this Friday my friends are going out to a party, can I go?

– No, you know that I don’t like you to be out on the street so late at night. Aren’t you aware of how dangerous it can be to go out into the street late at night?

– Oh dad! Don’t exaggerate, if I only go with some friends, nothing bad will happen

-I already said no! If you want to see them, you can organize a meal here at the house

– How do you think? How boring you really are, it seems that you already forgot that you were once young…

– Maybe I’m boring… But I haven’t forgotten one thing, and I will never forget, my youth…. I have already gone through the paths that you travel today, very sure they are not the same because the time gap has been doing its job, but they are similar… Maybe now you cannot see it how I see it, but you will understand one way or another, that I am not boring and that if I deny you permits it is because I care for your safety, love dictates that to me…

– Haha [subtle laugh] It’s fine then, whatever you say….

Chapter 2. Will it be late?

Years have passed since then, where I believed that my father was bad, or that he did not understand me, that he did not listen to me, or simply that he was as important as politics to a preschool child… How wrong I was, I had not realized that he was not only the one who signed the family album, he was not only the one who gave me life but has always been and always will be the guardian angel that God assigned me in this life….

If only I had listened to my father that day if only, I had had the patience to endure his state of stress caused by love and responsibility for his family… If only I had not answered him that day that for my own good, I was scolding if only I would have seen that movie that he wanted to see with me so much… If only I would have been able to see the signs of love, he gave me when he denied me permission, if only I would have been able to understand that he was not against me, rather, he more than anyone was on my side, and for that very reason he marked my mistakes, and in my world, I thought that he did not support me, this being the clearest and purest proof of how much he supported me…

How incredible it is when miracles happen, right? Joy is felt in the soul when something happens, or also when something does not take place, but, just as it happens with the situations that happen on a daily basis, it also produces a joy in the heart and makes the soul smile when a person that we needed so much comes into our lives…. Well, that is what more or less happens when we are born… When our father holds us in his arms for the first time…

Chapter 3. For all those who still have their dad

I do not know how old you are, dear reader, and I do not know what your relationship with your father is, it escapes my knowledge if you are estranged from your father, if you have suffered some type of abandonment, or if basically, your relationship is If you are at a bad time… Let me tell you, forgive all the mistakes your father may have made, forgive your father if he ever failed you or did not act in the way you expected or wanted, every person misunderstood, forgive every grievance that could exist, because only through forgiveness can we find that love that we can forget about….

If your relationship is beautiful and healthy, dear reader, you have everything, believe me, what I am going to tell you next. There is no more beautiful blessing than being able to watch television next to your father, there is no feeling that can be equaled to that produced by his company in the car…. There is nothing like seeing your father smile, laugh, there is nothing that can be compared to the expression of happiness that is born on his face, his face marked by so many battles, battles, and combats that, in one way or another, They have marked and given him the experience to prevent you from making the same mistakes that he could have made….

Every time your father asks you to stay with him to watch a movie, a series, a novel, or simply to stay by his side, because loneliness terrifies him, do it! We will have several friends in life, we will meet an infinity of people throughout our walk through this life, but father, we will only have one, and it would be a sin to put friendships above him.

Dear reader, if you like to go out drinking with your friends until the wee hours of the morning, and when you get home, you see your father sitting waiting for your arrival, let me tell you that you are lost, you went out to look for joy in the stars when the same sun lives in your house… If your father waits for you until dawn and apart from that he prepares dinner for you, please reconsider what you are doing with your father….

Don’t make rude remarks to his father, don’t make faces at him every time he scolds you or calls his attention because experience is found in his words, the love of a father is found…

Chapter 4. To my father

Father, today I woke up with an emptiness in my heart, today I woke up without strength, I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know how to continue advancing in my life, I felt devastated, that’s why I ran to your room to take refuge in your arms…

Oh, dear father, I do not have the necessary words to express how happy and proud I am to have the privilege of being able to say at the top of my lungs that that man over there is my father and that not one day in his life has he given up to go out to work for put a plate on the table, to give us an education, not a damn day did he back down from work.

Oh father, send to hell all the people who at some point made you feel bad for getting somewhere dirty, send to hell all those who once made fun of your ribs… Because I can assure you that they are not even half of what you are… Life has brought you to your knees many times, but you have never allowed it to keep you that way, you have always got up!

They have not had to leave their home at the age of 11 and arrive in a tense environment, and thus earn their daily bread, they have not had to endure what you have endured, moreover, I am sure that they wouldn’t be able to withstand half the blows that life has given you.

I mean, please, you fell into a ditch, you hit your head, you were bleeding, I thought I had already lost you, but you got out of there by your own means, I mean that couldn’t do it for you, Damn!

In recent years you have had to endure too much, injections directly into your eyes, the loss of an eye, iron diabetes, but not as much as you, my father…

A hard blow came into your life when the doctor told you that it was time for peritoneal dialysis, your face changed at such news, life hit you, and it hit you hard, but it couldn’t break you,

You have endured 5 peritonitis, of which 3 have been one after another, you thought that you would not get out of the last ones, you felt very bad, but the impetus and desire to see your second son finish his university career, gave you the courage and strength to tame the situation and get ahead, and today you are still here…

Father, today I write you this letter to express how immensely happy I am every time I see you, but happier I am every time I see you and hear you laugh.

There are no words to describe the happiness that being your son gives me, there are no words that allow me to express how fortunate I feel to be by your side right now, to be able to hug you, to be able to listen to you, to be able to watch the soap opera with you or a movie.

I remember with fervent emotion the day we celebrated your 64th birthday, “When I’m Sixty-Four” was playing in the background while we were cutting the cake, you were sitting on the couch, while I was watching the scene, and at that moment I realized how lucky I am because as long as I have you with me, I have everything…

I have nothing left to say, thank you, dad, for always trying to be better, thank you for every wake-up call, although today I still cannot understand them, thank you for teaching me what it is to truly love, thank you for always being there, thank you for teaching me to don’t give up, thank you for teaching me how to treat a queen… Thank you…

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