And From That Day, I Knew it Would Be You…

And without imagining it, life brought us together. Without planning it, divine joy brought us closer. Without thinking too much about it, the joy born from our laughter made us inseparable. Without much thought, our spirits embraced each other. Without hesitation, our tears turned into smiles. Without even questioning ourselves, we decided together to heal our hearts.

Where there were wounds and cuts, today there are dreams and goals to achieve. Where tears of pain once slid, today smiles and eyes that see the beauty of the world appear. Where there were disappointments and broken dreams, new dawns, and new worlds are painted waiting to be lived.

 For every torn page in our diary, today a canvas lies prostrate waiting to be painted with new adventures and illusions. For every day we cried, days of glory and joy await us. For every person who decided to leave, there are people wanting to meet you. For every day of our past that shames us, there is a dawn waiting for us to smile once more.

My world was in ruins, my broken heart lay deep within me. My hopes and desires had been carried away by the wind, and now in their place were fears and doubts. Everything looked gray and desolate. No matter where I looked, the same image prostrated before my eyes, that scene that intimidated me, of not being good enough.

Without hesitation, you decided to go down to that underworld where I lay, I don’t know how you did it, but you weren’t afraid. You gave me the courage that I needed. You transmitted to me that energy and determination that had been separated from me. With your smile and charisma, you caressed my heart, you reached the most hidden fibers that inhabit it. With your enthusiasm, you lit the coals of my soul. With your heart, you sheltered me when it was coldest, with your smile you illuminated me when the path was darkest.

With each message, with each moment shared, with each chapter we wrote, our friendship was forged in the endless sky. With each day that passed by my window next to you in the distance, our friendship was already written about in the books of the universe.

I don’t know if you were sent from heaven, but I thank heaven itself for allowing me to cross paths with you. But the fact makes me happier, to go out, look at the clouds, and scream at the top of my lungs that you are my best friend. It was you who saw beauty in me in the moments when I didn’t even believe in myself. It was you who sheltered me and helped me get up from my knees to walk again. It was you, who taught me to continue fighting…. It was you, and you will always be that beautiful angel that I call “My best friend”…

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