And She’s Not A Princess Like The One In The Stories…

I was stolen… Someone has stolen something from me, she has taken possession of one of the things that I kept the most, today it is no longer with me in essence, today it no longer beats only for and for me… A wonderful person came to become the owner of my heart, and just one look from you was enough for my heart to start beating for you, for you, just one minute of listening to your voice was necessary for my soul to feel what true peace and tranquility was. , and I am not lying when I tell you that in you I find the peace that my soul asks for so much, only you know how to calm the storms, only you can take me to that world that makes me feel as if I were among the clouds, where I can see every problem and adversity as something tiny…

A helpless princess locked in a castle guarded by a dragon? Please, what is that? I tell you a secret? Come, get a little closer, a little closer… The princess I’m in love with is not just any princess, she is not a princess like the one in the stories, she is not a fragile princess, she is much better… Do you doubt it? Let me tell you about her…

She is a beautiful lady, the most beautiful, and I can safely affirm that she is the most beautiful and precious lady and princess in all the kingdoms that exist inside and outside the planet Earth, and I am convinced that there will never be any person that can come close to the beauty of the princess with whom I fell in love…

But you still ask why she is beautiful? Please, just look at those eyes, those same eyes that take your breath away, those eyes that are capable of taking your soul and transporting you to places that you would never have imagined existed, but that you never want to leave, because it is there where you find complete happiness, it is there where peace and joy are the kings, and the princes are harmony and calm… And all this kingdom of happiness being illuminated by that golden hair, that hair, which says a legend that used to be the most powerful sun in the universe, but God told him that the universe was empty because you were not there, so he ordered this sun to come down from where it was so that it could prostrate itself on your head and create that beautiful hair that she has today, that hair that is capable of illuminating even the deepest abyss that exists on the planet, that beautiful hair that is capable of illuminating and appeasing the fiercest black hole in the universe…

What can I tell you more about the princess I fell in love with? I could gladly talk about her, what’s more, I think I have to learn more languages because I can’t find words that describe how I feel when I’m with her, I don’t know any words that can do justice to what I feel when I see that I have a message from her… I have been left speechless, Spanish, English, French, and Russian have failed me… I looked in a dictionary, the largest one in fact, and I couldn’t find a single word that could perfectly cover each feeling that is born in me when listening to that beautiful, melodious, and sweet voice that only my princess knows how to reproduce… That voice, so sweet, so pretty, so harmonious, I think “perfect” could only get a little closer, but it falls short, well great things and great and strong emotions require great and strong words, words that do not yet exist, but my princess motivates me with her presence to look for those words even in dead languages, and pushes me to create those words if they do not exist. …

Have you already realized why I fell in love with her? Not yet? What do you want to know more? Perfect, because time does not exist when I think about her or when I talk to her, so I will continue telling you why I fell in love with her, why I love and admire her so much…

Let me tell you, she is the strongest person I know, she gets up every morning to go to work to be able to build the future and the life she wants to live, she gets out of bed every day looking to be better than the day before, despite being tired, she does not look for excuses, she looks for solutions and ways to face every adversity that life presents her… She is currently writing her diploma since she has almost finished her university career, and no matter how hard, complicated or difficult as this may be, she is still standing, because she does not know the words “give up”, and the word “impossible” are not part of her vocabulary… She has courage, courage, she is perseverant, she fights every day, she does not She is just any princess, she is also the warrior I have ever seen, she is the fiercest gladiator that history has ever seen…

I hope that now it is clear to you why I love her, admire her, and respect her too much, because a being like her is out of this world, a being like her cannot be found on this planet, and that is why she is not any princess because the term “princess” does not do her justice, and that is why she is my Martian, because she is so different, so unique, that I would have had to travel to Mars to be able to meet her…

Do you want to know who she is and what her name is? Okay, come, come closer, let’s go a little closer… It’s you, yes you my beautiful lady and my favorite person, you are that beautiful lady who is my Martian and who has stolen my heart, my breath, my hugs and my signs of affection, you were, you are and you will always be my Martian, my favorite person and that beautiful woman who stole my heart…

I Love You…

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