The last letter I wrote to you...

"Wake up. Winter is already gone. The lonely nights have already come to an end. I promised you that you would no longer spend a night alone, I promised you that you would smile again, that you would shine again. I heard you when with tears in your eyes you asked me for someone to love you. Wake up, open your eyes, I want you to meet someone” I heard a voice pronounce these words…

I got out of bed and looked out the window, but from the first moment, I felt something different in me, I felt peace, I felt how tranquility ran through every corner of my being as if a great burden was fading with each passing minute, with every second that passed I felt like that veil that clouded my vision was falling. Now I saw better, now I observed the beauty that lay before my eyes…

“Beautiful dawn appears through my window, the heat of your rays caresses my face, I think the fears and doubts are left behind, I think the fears of loneliness, of one's own desolation, are left behind”, I thought as I tried to understand what was happening while trying to decipher these emotions that the only thing they produced in me was peace, security and affection…

I started with great excitement that day. I still didn't know how to explain it, it was beyond my ability to describe the joy that was born in me. But, I knew that that day would be special, I knew that that day would not be like the others, something inside me made me know that nothing would be the same, that the gray days and the eternal nights had come to an end…

I turned on my computer, I got ready for what I had to do that day, for the call I would have, however, I never imagined that that precise day, that at that precise moment, God would allow me to meet the most beautiful person I have ever known my life, you know well that I'm talking about you…

And like every great story, this has not been the exception... Little by little you came deeper and deeper into my heart, without planning it, with each line we wrote, we became closer beings, with each word we wrote, He built a bridge between us, a bridge that from the beginning showed itself capable of overcoming any barrier of distance, showed itself superior to any barrier of time…

Now everything made sense, those words “Wake up, open your eyes, I want you to meet someone” made sense in my heart… My heart began to feel better, it began to feel truly loved, the broken and torn pieces began to heal, they began to unite once again…

With every conversation that only you and I witnessed, your name was embroidered on my heart keeping every memory, every smile, every laugh, every joke, every gesture, every tear removed, every wound healed, every moment that together we wrote with heavenly ink in the diary that unites us…

Without planning it, you allowed me to have the best laughs, you produced in me the most authentic and genuine smiles, those that are not born on the face, but those smiles that are born in the depths of our heart ... Without warning, you gave me the best memories, you gave me the most sublime and beautiful moments, with the simple fact of being chatting with you by messages made my heart smile, made my heart feel important and appreciated…

Christmas 2022 arrived, that winter knocking on the door no longer looked bad, on the contrary, it looked exciting, because I would be able to write a new chapter together in the book of memories that belongs to both of us, a book of memories that you and I were writing with every day we talked, with every smile drawn, with every hug given, with every call we had and that we escaped from this world to go together to a special place, to a place where there are no barriers, to a place where no matter our different languages, we were able to create a common language, a language that only you and I understand, that of genuine appreciation for our friendship that strengthened with each visit to that world of which you and I were its artisans, its writers and its painters…

It had been a little over a year since that magnificent moment, that beautiful day where God allowed us to coincide in our walk, where he granted us the joy of crossing our steps... When with emotion you shared the drawing of me and luna, you made my day, you made my Christmas happy... You gave me the most beautiful gift that anyone had ever given me... Believe me, every time I see the drawing I can't stop smiling... It had been the best Christmas, sharing with you, creating with you was magnificent, it was beautiful, well, it has always been, and it will always be beautiful and sublime to share with you and to create with you something…

I remember with a lot of affection when with a lot of enthusiasm and joy you and I decided to share photos of our childhood, of those days when we were little kids ... It gave me a lot of tenderness to see how you looked as a child…

And so, little by little without thinking or realizing it, your name shone more and more in my heart, every memory became more significant, every moment by your side was spectacular, every message from you made me smile, made me smile…

When not nice situations happened, you without hesitation were there with me ready to hug me, ready to comfort me, to give me your support and affection…

Traveling to that place, knowing that you were with me made that trip become the best of all. Leaving work and telling you with emotion every new discovery, every new thing learned, every experience lived... Talking to you about everything that amazed me made me feel good, made me feel calm…

Almost two years ago, that bond of friendship began to be forged in the cosmos that would unite two cultures, two languages, two souls, two people, that bond that little by little has united us a more and better ... Where each link is each of the calls we have had, where each point of union are those messages where we opened our hearts a little more, of those messages of which only you and I are witnesses…

In these days that I decided to spend a little time disconnected from everything that surrounds and distracts me, I decided to reflect, to think a little more and better... And I reaffirm what my heart had already told me... In you I found a great person, a great girl, a great friend, someone who has taught me too much to see the beauty of life, someone who has helped me to believe in myself and to open my wings to fly and take every project to the greatest heights, someone who has helped me to overcome every fear, every insecurity, and that is why i really appreciate our friendship, that's why I really appreciate your presence, because despite the thousands of kilometers that stand in our way, every time I see you through my screen, I feel you so close, not in the earthly distance only, but, more importantly, I feel you so close to my heart, so close emotionally, more than many people who live a few meters from my…

I think I have understood that there are things that maybe I didn't do right... I realized that my fears made me act in a not very pleasant way... I ask for forgiveness for every time I made you feel uncomfortable or pressured... I ask for forgiveness for every time I didn't understand you in the way that was necessary…

I do not know what will come in the future, I do not know what life has prepared for us, I do not know what will be for us at the turn of time, but I just know that I would love to be able to continue writing new memories by your side, continue drawing new smiles on our faces, continue painting colors every cloudy day, continue sharing with you…

Sorry if this letter is daring, but it is pure feeling, just remembering every beautiful moment we have lived together makes me smile, produces in me the most authentic smiles, because you are there by my side no matter that we live in different countries, and that these are separated by an immense ocean ... Because despite the thousands of kilometers that there are of distance, I feel you close, I hear your sweet voice in every message…

Your friendship is one of the most beautiful things I have in life... Are we still building new bridges of union and writing new memoirs in the diary of our friendship?

I hope, at least, I could draw a small smile on your face...”

Sent... 10:00 PM

...And I never heard from you again... just as you arrived in the most unexpected way, you left without a trace…