I was walking, it seemed like I didn’t know where to go… Perhaps I was lost, my steps were unsteady, my breathing was agitated… Fear, uncertainty, and anxiety were what flooded my mind and my heart… “Another night without being able to sleep,” I told myself… Waiting for a new sun I found myself… Looking for a rainbow from my window I was… I looked out with excitement but with fear of not being able to find that rainbow, that beautiful phenomenon that always or almost always arrives after a storm while the sun is another witness…

I returned to my room, I didn’t know what to believe in again… There was no rainbow, there was no smile that could be drawn on my face, much less in my heart… I reviewed my diary, I searched with such impetus and zeal for the last time I smiled, or at least a simple and mere grimace was outlined… There was no record… Perhaps, in that flood, my diary remained in the memory, but not like that, what I lived, what, at the time, made me lose my compass… “When did I smile for the last time?”, I asked myself with a certain expression of sadness mixed with nostalgia, because there will be nothing more terrifying for human beings than not being able to know what it feels like to be. happy, nor to remember the mystical and sublime and sweet that lies behind a smile that comes from the heart…

Where does beauty lie? Or what is beauty? And where does the beauty of life come from? Of the sublime, of the intangible, of that which escapes corporeal expressions, of that which does not need dozens of words, nor of elaborate sentences that can result in intimidating or arrogant… Of that which is more mystical than real, so much so that, when we want or have the audacity to even try to describe it, we say “I don’t know how to express it” or, if we talk about a person “I don’t know what she has, but I love her”… The “beautiful” escapes from the changeable, escapes from the contingent, escapes from the earthly world, therefore, it is something that is felt, not that is known… That is why beauty is not corporeal, it is not encapsulated in a mold, and it is not imprisoned to anything. Beauty is beautiful for its multiple forms, for the various emotions capable of awakening, and for the multitude of things that it can inspire in the subject who encounters it… Beauty is the perfect muse, therefore, it is not imprisoned or tied to an image…

That is why the beauty of life emerges from the mystery behind each new day, from how surprising they can be… With its multiple facets, with that enormous variety of colors and tones, with its rains and rainbows. , with its nights and days, with the moon and the sun… And it is right there, where the sublime speaks, where the sublime parades to the rhythm of the ticking of the clock of the universe… In each new moment, in each new path or hill that dazzles before our eyes in its very unique distance…

A new sunset with all its heat, brilliance, and immensity of itself… A new day prostrated itself before me; another 24 hours at my disposal… New adventures to write; but now, in a new diary… New landscapes to paint on a blank canvas, with colors and pencils perhaps a little worn out, but always, with the willingness to feel alive again, to smile again and give smiles…

A new journey into the unknown was approaching at that precise moment… New lines would emerge from the ink of my pen, new memories to be framed in the eternal flame of the heart… Uncertainty again… “I feel different,” I thought, in fact… From that morning when I decided to open the curtain that prevented the rays of that magnificent star from taking over every corner of my bedroom, I began to contemplate that things were not as they seemed a priori… I put on my glasses, but this time, I saw something different in my mirror, I observed things in myself that I had never been able to appreciate, and they were not unpleasant…

I decided to walk, I dared to live once again… I dared to feel the caresses of the air on my face again, to delight once again with the singing of birds, with the parade of butterflies prostrating themselves on the flowers… I dared to smell the flowers that had been there for a long time, but that I had never had the courage to contemplate carefully… An exquisite aroma was what they gave off…

Thanks to you I was able to contemplate again how beautiful life is, the beautiful and sublime of spring, the free and adventurous of summer, the warm and sweet of autumn, the comforting and loving of winter… I don’t know how you did it. …Well, I was in the middle of a flood, my world was in a real mess… You told me well that I should take everything that life can give me, good or bad, I should accept it, because it is the most divine gift, being able to receive something from life, because, as simple and obvious as it may seem, it means that I am alive, and that, as long as I can, I must enjoy each new chapter, each gift, each challenge, each thing, no matter if it is simple or complex…

“What a beautiful day” I said to myself, but this time, a smile began to appear on my face, and perhaps, in my heart too… But how naive I was, the best was yet to manifest…

Walking I found myself with a smile, a smile that was only present on my face, because my heart was still confused… Sunny day, it seemed like spring again, and from the first moment, I knew well that you were capable of turning winter into spring… I don’t know if it was chance or destiny, but our steps crossed, our gazes met each other… Spring returned to my heart…

Spring appeared through my window again, and my ears rejoiced with joy once again to the rhythm of the birds singing, my eyes contemplated how the flowers were once again doing their magic, flooding every corner with beauty, and how their essence was present in each place… Once again…

The future will always be mysterious because there lies its beauty, the paths that may open up to us along our path, mountains to climb, seas and lakes to swim in, and skies from which to jump and contemplate the world in all its splendor. world that our Father has created… I only ask one thing from God and from life, that he gives me the opportunity to continue walking and discovering how beautiful life is… But, that He gives me the license to be able to do it with you, to be able to tell you every small discovery that captivates my spirit and heart…

Dedicated to the most incredible person that life has allowed me to meet, to the person who, with his beautiful heart, repaired every broken piece of me, and who, without asking me for anything in return, stayed with me when I felt most alone… Dedicated to that person who gave me spring back… Thank you for being who you are, thank you for infecting me with your joy…

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