There I was, talking with a magnificent person, with a person who, without a doubt, has a special and unique place in my heart, because she knows very well that she is my favorite artist and I am her number one fan… Inside that beautiful Immersion of the conversation that took place at that precise moment, she with a smile and a sparkle in her eyes, asked me not to forget what I felt on that trip, because she wanted to hear the details… This is how this little writing was born… Thank you to her…

I was traveling, I was in an unknown place, far from home, far from those who are my family… I have never been very social, or rather, it is hard for me to talk to people, I am very reserved, and I can even be somewhat shy… Hundreds of kilometers separated me from that beautiful place which with much love and pride I call “My home”… I learned many things on this journey, on my first “solo” trip, and I place special emphasis on the quotes Well, later I will explain the reason for them…

I received the notification that I had to go to Guadalajara, that I was going to be there for almost a week. Many doubts arose, perhaps there was also a bit of fear and uncertainty… But emotion circulated within me… I would know a new place, new experiences would take place, a new adventure would be written in the book of my life… On the other hand, there was also a hint of nostalgia, being away from home for several days was something I had never experienced… I was afraid that something bad would happen while I was away or away from home…

Being “alone” or “on my own”, without a doubt, was a very enriching experience, because I had the opportunity to explore new facets of myself, I had the opportunity to learn a little more about myself with each step I took in that field that seemed unknown to me…

There I was, on the bus, seeing how kilometer by kilometer I was moving away from home, but that I was getting closer to the unknown, with each meter that the bus advanced, a new letter was painted in that chapter… I was listening to music, romantic music … But not romantic songs that only deal with the aesthetic and the contingent, but songs that go beyond superficiality, songs that are not dedicated to any person, only to that person who has been decided to have as a life partner…Of that music that echoes in the heart so deep, that after being heard, one no longer sees love as a simple demonstration of caresses or kisses, where “I love you” now manifests itself in a more delicate and sublime… Leaning against the window, to the beat of the music, moments passed through my mind that, in some way or another, have helped me build the values and ideals with which I walk today…

I thought about the new adventures that life had prepared for me, I thought about each new line that was about to be written… I felt I was a part of the lyrics that gave life to the music I was listening to… Everything was special, I knew that everything would be fine… There was room for fear, there was only excitement and joy in my heart… I didn’t believe it, a year that had not started in the most pleasant way, now it was giving me the opportunity to smile again, to shine again…

That inaugural storm where my world became chaos was coming to an end… A new dawn was looming, and with it, endless lessons to learn, adventures to live, ideas waiting to discover the material world… As the song says well, nothing was normal, but everything was real… And within that strangeness that surrounded that moment, lay the absolute reality that I would smile again… I had lost myself, but now that path led me to a reconciliation with myself, to find myself once again … But I was not alone, I found myself accompanied by people who today hold a special place in my heart… Family… And a special friend who has taught me so many things from a distance… And one of them was that I can smile again after a deluge… She showed me how magical and beautiful it is to appreciate someone and how beautiful it is to feel appreciated with the most sublime samples that can exist…

The unknown no longer frightened me, now it pushed me to go further, to follow my heart, to try to give more of myself… To love the people I appreciate better, to continue writing, to continue exploring my feelings and emotions, since on that trip, I would have the opportunity to rediscover myself, once again, and if necessary, reconcile with each part of my being…

On this trip I learned a lot, many ideas became clearer and more solid, I met people, and with it, I understood more and better the world in which I live… I immersed myself in a world totally foreign to mine… I came across ideas that at some point given, they may be different from mine a priori, but deep down or in essence, they become somewhat similar to each other… Both are carriers of truths within the context in which they parade by chance, both are capable of to create, to leave a mark, because regardless of their temporal or spatial context, both fight tirelessly to manifest themselves in the material world, thus leaving behind those chains that prevent them from leaving their cave…

Walking through the streets of the beautiful historic center of Guadalajara I found myself… I was a child again… Everything was cause for astonishment, laughter, and smiles, and perhaps some things produced a sense of strangeness that encouraged me to discover every corner, to repaint the streets with laughter produced by the joy that lay in me at that precise and precious moment… But it was not only about me leaving something there but, within the immensity of possibilities that life possesses, it was also about me I could take to strengthen my own “myself”… It was a reciprocal relationship…

I was a child again… The arrogance that sometimes intoxicates us and makes us lose our compass had completely vanished… It was beautiful to walk the streets in the afternoon when the sun was warning us that it was going to give light and heat to the other side of the world, but who left us with his always faithful and eternal companion, the moon… So there would always be light, both stars illuminating each step, each street, each corner that gave life and meaning to that sublime moment…

As a child in a toy store I was excited to walk and explore each street of the historic center, the fear of losing myself did not cross my mind, because I had already found myself, and once one finds oneself, getting lost is no longer intimidating… Double-decker buses, white horses pulling a carriage, people everywhere, there was no lack of life, there was no lack of meaning at that moment… The trip began as if it had opened Pandora’s box… It is not known what is in there, but in the end, what turns out to be there is the most important weapon and shield that humanity can have in any situation, hope…

Each street that I walked, each monument that I observed, and each construction that I saw, had a history, a history that, when mixed up with one another, gave it a meaning and collective identity, which was fed by the universal spirit, the What is the result of all the human wills that have passed through those places, even once…

Despite the distance, I understood that I was not alone; I was accompanied, perhaps, it was one of the weeks where I felt most accompanied and loved… Yes, I was hundreds of kilometers from my home, from my family, from that affective nucleus that has taken care of me, that supported me in the good and bad…

I was far from my mother, who from the first moment she knew of my existence, stopped living for her and now began to live for me… Far from my brothers who, with their more years of experience they have helped me to walk, and when I stumbled, they were there, to help me get up off the ground, and keep walking, but this time, with greater wisdom…

My father, oh my father… What else can I say about him? From him who, with his example, taught me to respect women, taught me to love, to watch over the family, to take care of the people one loves… He who taught me what it is to be a true man… He already I would not wait for my return home in a conventional way, because since God decided to give him back his wings and call him to his side, he lives and will live forever in my heart, that is why he will always be my eternal adventure companion, my confidant, my strength and my great guide… With emotion and pride, I thank you for always having been a great man, a great father; Everything I am today, I owe it to you and my mother…

Yes, I was also thousands of kilometers away from my most important friend, from her who has listened to me when tears threatened to come, from her who has supported me in every adventure I have decided to undertake, from her who when I was in my worst moments, she did not get tired, and she was there with me to support me and give me a hug, from her who happily tells me about her adventures while a smile appears on that beautiful face… Perhaps the earthly distance that exists between her and me is too much (for now)… But that does not compare at all to the closeness and warmth that her smile and her melodious voice have given me… She reacted with emotion to each new discovery she made in that place, her eyes shone with joy when I told her about the opportunity she would have to travel to a different city… She was the first person I ran to tell her about everything I saw, everything I experienced, every small and simple occurrence of the day that had taken place because in she I found a beautiful and special person…

In short, I was not alone, I had the best company I could have had… Because the love that one has for those special people knows no borders, and does not know earthly distance; These are concepts that are unknown to love…

I once again had dreams to fight for, my goals became more present in my heart and mind… I found myself, and from that moment on, I was also very clear about the people I want to have in my life and give them the best of myself…

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