This Is Not Another Christmas Letter…

What a wonderful and even why not mysterious season of the year Christmas is, I mean, look around and you will only see people wishing each other Merry Christmas with ringing words and warm hugs, but once December 25th hits its twilight, people seem to have forgotten what they have told and even, some of them can forget the love that once was within them, deeply in their hearts…

I do not intend to make this Christmas letter a usual and typical writing in which you can find words with nothing inside them, nevertheless, I neither intend nor pretend to make the present text a critique, because for me Christmas as I said, it’s the most wonderful and sometimes mysterious period of the year…

Oh, Christmas! How I love you! You come here and show up in front of to give us a chance to learn what love is, and how insignificant and tiny others things can be when you have settled next to them. Oh, Christmas! We have still so much to learn from you, from the magic you scatter all over the world, even up to the most intractable and riotous hearts, your kindness, your love, and your forgiveness, and on top of that, we are able to comprehend that humanity can be good, that even the horrendous person still having a heart that once had life, but now it needs your light, your love, it demands urgently to be loved, and then, you come up and everything and everyone is enlightened by you, you are that torch that after touch one heart, it will spread the magic of love and be loved….

Back in the First World War, two “rivals” soldiers were combating each other, however, you had the nobility to enter their hearts and demonstrate to them that fighting against their brothers is useless. You won the biggest battle, you won their hearts, you reached everyone and took their bandages off from their eyes and opened their hearts to become brothers when they most needed, and therefore, you were able to unite them again, unite two different souls and spirits into one immeasurable spirit governed by peace and love, you did what you do best, reconciliation…

You all see why is so magic this season, and nonetheless, I am not sure how to name it, since Christmas is more than a date, it is more than singing Christmas carols in a parade with trucks and cars decorated with ornaments related to December 25th. For me, Christmas is more than that, and moreover, I dare to say, that if we live with Christmas inside our hearts, there would be no more wars, no more murders, and no more violations of human rights, in short, we would be once more, human beings in its whole extension.

As Fyodor Dostoevsky said once through Prince Mishkin in “The Idiot” “Love is what will save the world” … Now is when we need to save ourselves first by the magic of Christmas, and then, we will be able to save the world, and love and forgiveness will be the means through which we could do it with flying colors

Dear reader, please let me send you a huge hug with all my heart, I have not the slightest idea of what you are going through, but I want to wish that the magic of Christmas knocks on the doors of your heart and you let it in and inundate you with love and peace… Dear readers, from the bottom of me heart MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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