What is happening to us? Where did we get lost? When and where did we drop our compass that we didn’t even realize? Have we even walked together at some point? Why are we so selfish and self centered? When will we learn that we cannot tame the world without first controlling ourselves? They say that we continue to evolve and move forward, but sometimes I question the veracity of such a statement…

Are we hypocrites?

It seems as if man is not happy with what he is and with what surrounds him today, do not misinterpret this, I am not referring to us being conformists and that we should not improve ourselves, but what I am saying is that in this constant struggle internally and externally for improvement and perhaps survival, we have ruthlessly violated that wonderful place called planet earth, we have violated the rights of those around us, we have trampled on the ideals of our neighbor, we have tried to make fun of life itself, we have thought that we are bigger than history itself… Forgive me, dear reader, but how stupid we are, there is no greater idiocy than trying to tame history and pretending to be bigger than life itself…

When did we become so indifferent, so apathetic and so cynical towards others? Today we pretend to have some empathy for the problems or difficulties of the beings around us, we smile hiding the little importance it has for us. It is said that the eyes are the windows of the heart, but we have lost ourselves in the immensity of the cosmos, we have lost our way as humans, reaching the point that today we do not know how to connect the heart with the eyes, we have silenced and almost almost We have even killed all those feelings that define us, that give us identity, and we have killed them for fear that they will make fun of them, for fear that they will tell us that we are weak and make fun of them, but if we are capable of pretending to a certain degree of a false empathy when seeing a stray dog that presents malnutrition… Why are we so insensitive, so selfish, so apathetic, so miserable?… Why and when did we forget that we are “human”?

Today it is necessary to see blood and tears to be able to say “that person must be suffering, they are probably going through a hard period in their life”, because we have omitted or we have decided to ignore those feelings that once made the world go round a corner. best place….

The old vs. The new.

You recounted friction and conflicts produced by the clash of two generations that apparently are antagonistic and therefore “different”, but that in reality are the same society, the same generation, only with different make-up, full of the same imperfections, full of the same deficiencies but expressed a little differently and perhaps with a bit of luck, they wear a mask, trying to hide that gloomy and pale expression on their face that the only thing that shows is that those words that once differentiated us from animals, I am referring to the words “human being” or “man”, today they are too big for us, today we have denigrated these two terms, what a shame…

“They only live it on the phone” “he only wants to party with his friends” “The only thing he thinks about is those ‘blessed’ social networks” we hear more and more things like this in what seems to be a desolate today and probably stormy present. It has not been understood that the present is a manifestation of all those actions that were once perpetrated in what we now call the “past”, but let us not detract from those “potentials” of action that today we call perhaps with a bit of courage as “omissions”. The present is more to us than the son of the past, blaming all the blame on the younger generations without accepting the immense responsibility that the “older generations” still have today would be an aberration of mine.

The new against The new (contradictions)

But we as “new generations” are not doing it better, in fact, most likely we are doing it even worse, and I am going to explain it.

  1. Insane mockery bordering on idiocy to all those social movements that today have been colloquially labeled “progressive”, but they are wrong if they think that I am going to defend all these social phenomena, because both one and the other others are riddled in a senseless way with contradictions, hypocrisy, cynicism, a debauchery that violates what was once a “stable society”
    1. “The truth is, they are fools” “How retrograde you are” this and many other things we hear from one side and the other, and they do not realize that inside they are just as rotten, they say they have a different spirit, however, in their infinite arrogance they are not capable of recognizing that both are identical, it will not be necessary to have more than two fingers of a brain to see it.
    2. In this incessant struggle for the transition from the old to the new, we commit many outrages, we promote many narrative fallacies, many murders, and I am not referring to taking a gun and shooting the other…
  2. What are we doing to change the course of this world, of our home? NOTHING, complaining without the union of the action, and without having arguments, or having some slight notion of what is happening is useless.
    1. Someone who has decided to pose with little clothing or even going naked is applauded and more recognized, we hear people say “look at that good body” (in my land they say it differently, but out of respect for you dear reader or dear reader, I have decided to leave this to your interpretation), but, damn! What the heck are we doing? Today those who write, draw, paint, compose music, and other people who seek to express themselves in a poetic, artistic and sublime way, are ignored because they are “boring” or “losers”, because today what is “cool” and is It is fashionable to go and drink alcohol until you fall into perdition, and boast with a “braveness” that “I have gotten drunk”, making fun of the other who has never done it…
    2. Money, cars, alcohol, partying, all of this is what today makes you a “normal” and “fun” guy or young person (how arrogant we are, we intend to label something as “fun”, this being as subjective as the adjective “beautiful), “Don’t talk to me about history (literature, poetry, politics, etc.), that’s boring” “And what use is history to me? Or that I lived in the past” Excuse the word, but how stupid is this, it doesn’t matter to know what, refusing to know our past means that we very possibly make the same mistakes that once took place, and in turn, that we omit the execution those decisions that were correct at the time, thus falling into this constant cycle of error after error, blaming a few, evading the responsibility that we all share, going to a future even more pathetic than our present, with a history full of sorrow, and shame, so much so that it will make sensitive stomachs vomit.
  3. After all, we are young, and there is only one life” what a good phrase, the truth is, I know it is very trite and of non-existent complexity, but it is that such complex things are not dealt with to try to explain the perhaps simplicity that it life can hold. It is only necessary to take the helm of this phrase to give it meaning, because indeed we are young and there is only one life, we must take care of what we have, protect and safeguard our home, ourselves, our city, our state and country , without forgetting those social institutions that have proven to be necessary and beneficial for the human being, and at the same time, destroying, abolishing and overthrowing all those that are nothing more than a ballast, those that are like two heavy shackles in the wheels of that immense train in which we are all inside, I mean life. We must not forget to take care of the values that once could have existed, and that it seems that today they are no longer motivational fables demonstrating a longing for what once existed, or could have done…
    1. At this point, I want to point out the somewhat mocking and cynical way in which young people who still hold noble principles, values and ideals can be victims of both active and passive aggression, since they are described as witty or innocent, even some less respectful even call them or describe them as “stupid”. Ladies and gentlemen, I have the following question, who is the real “stupid” really? Is it the one who somehow continues to believe in humanity, the one who still retains within himself the strongest hope that man can rectify his path, or the person who despite his annoyance and continuous complaints and reproaches why the world is the way it is, decides to do nothing, because he says “that’s life”? NO gentlemen! If you live with that misery within yourself, don’t poison the youth with that pessimism about the human being, and I’m not saying that we should fall into a magical thought where everything is made of pink clouds, and where there is a rainbow that connects each town, where “evil” is a myth. What I am saying is that if we complain so much, and get upset about the way things are, then let’s stop going to parties every 8 days, and drink alcohol as if it were water and we were in the middle of a desert, let’s stop waste so much time in idleness and laziness, let’s stop wasting the most precious thing we have, our brains and our time.


I see a society that unfortunately is lost in the clouds, is lost in the vastness of the cosmos trying to find the reason for the immortality of the crab. Do not take me for someone who sees that everything is fateful, gloomy, ethereal, and with no way out, well no, I really still believe in man, I still firmly believe that we are capable of recovering that compass that we once lost, and for which Today we are suffering from so much.

Wars within the same people, armed conflicts between sister nations, driven by the ambition and greed of individuals who have taken their feet off the ground, and who today care about everything and nothing at the same time.

Atomic weapons, space travel, artificial intelligence, transition to clean energy because we are responsible and take care of our planet now that it is on the verge of cataclysm, because before, since it did not “scream,” we thought that each tree that we viciously removed did not hurt. , since in our head is this stupid thought that the world needs more avocados…

With all this I do not want to say that the world or our society is coming to an end, although at times it seems that way, do not think that my vision is that a future awaits us dragging a past with shame, where the only collective achievement will be having survived. to our present today and our future past. Deep within me, this hope is still alive that man will be able to realize all the damage he has caused in search of nothingness, and that although I have mentioned that we are children of time and history, we too we can change the way this relationship works, that is, Hegel said that it was the “universal spirit” that moved history, while Marx mentioned the opposite, saying that it was history that moved the “universal spirit”. However, we can make this close relationship of subordination become a real relationship of cooperation, and thus we can really evolve as a society, to a society where weapons are not even known and for which they are not needed, because man they will have reached a level of maturity that allows them to understand how vital the simple fact of dialoguing is, without the imperative need to point a gun at the other person’s head, because unfortunately what distinguished us as human beings and not animals has remained in the trunk of memories…

It is time for us to tuck in our pants and take responsibility for who we are and for everything we do and omit… But it is also time for us to be human again, it is time for us once again to remember that our neighbor is our brother, that let us remember all those moments where that stranger reached out to us without our asking, and as a show of gratitude towards life, we shake hands with those who need it. It is now when we most need to remember that if we want to continue advancing as a species, we must advance together, otherwise, perdition will be the only way out….

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