You Promised Us Freedom, And Look At Us Stranded Here…

I can earn money with what I do or with what I know how to do, you can tell me that it is a good job, however, as I sit here, I feel as if a void inside me is getting bigger and bigger, the important thing is not how much win, because when I go to sleep, that strange feeling of not having done what I would have loved to do, of not having done what really makes me feel good is born… that terrible feeling that does not let me know that I am living and not just breathing. while I wait for the clock to say 11pm and tell me it’s time to go to bed…

They may tell me that it is a good job and that the benefits I get are superior to those of many others, however, sometimes I think that doesn’t matter. To hell with that, what does that matter, if that time already belongs to something that doesn’t make me happy… I see many people smile when teaching when telling anecdotes, and when writing, but why can’t I do it when I’m at my job?…

There comes a time when I don’t feel like myself, I don’t feel like I belong here, where the schedule invades me, clouding my vision, sometimes preventing me from seeing who I am, and only allowing me to contemplate what I am for them. One more number. Someone, or something totally replaceable for just feeling bad one day, for having made mistakes, for having dared to speak and express myself, for having had the audacity to try to be a human here… How sad… What a pitiful and pathetic port we have reached. arrived, where from the first foot we put here, we must forget that we are beings who feel, beings with the ability to think on our own, forget that we are human beings…

Life gives us 24 hours each day to live, to enjoy each moment at its maximum expression, to cry when we have to cry, and to laugh in the moments when joy enters every part of our being, however, it is pure fantasy… Since The clock indicates 0:00, and a third of our time does not belong to us… Our time, we have given it to others… The worst thing is that I do not feel identified, I do not feel belonging to this job…

“Hey, it’s a good salary”, “You have good benefits”, “Take care of your job”… But does the job take care of me? To hell with it, with those who only see me and millions of others as a simple number that in the blink of an eye they can replace us as if we were simple light bulbs trying to illuminate their paths, forgetting that we must do it for ourselves…

Why have we allowed it? Why have we betrayed ourselves? When will the day be when we will be able to overcome this oppressive yoke called capitalism? It is as if happiness were found by climbing the highest hill imaginable, but where our feet drag enormous shackles that prevent us from reaching that place, where our hands are chained to each other, preventing us from exploring the world. around us, where we wear a scarf over our eyes that barely allows us to see anything, what if we take off that scarf, we fall in love with the landscape and fight for our freedom? They wouldn’t like to see us like this…

You came according to the mission of providing opportunities, of being the bearer of everything necessary to be happy and free; but look at us here, tied to you, where every human relationship has become a transaction. You sold us the idea of freedom, now we have nothing… Houses, jewelry, trips, luxury clothes, what does all of that matter, if at the end of the day, the more we have, the more we realize that we don’t really have anything, not even the much-coveted happiness, thus falling into this black hole that seems to have no end…

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