And I saw you again, once again I was able to contemplate the beauty that only your smile is capable of producing, once again I felt the sonorous embrace that only your voice knows how to create… Once again I saw those mysterious eyes, but that is right there where the sweetest and warmest soul rests…. I saw you again, and you looked more beautiful than before…

Here I am, writing again, trying to navigate every sea of doubts and fears, trying to find the key and the path so that my words from my heart can find a new home in yours, a home as warm and sweet as the one that I myself found in you…

I know that I have made mistakes, I know that I have failed on occasion, but believe in me when I tell you that, despite not being a great drawer or painter, for you I become Michelangelo, with the sole objective of being able to draw a smile on your face, and be able to paint the sky with colors when the weather turns dark…

I count the hours that pass on my watch, and with each minute that belongs to the past, the more I miss your smile and your voice, the more I appreciate each moment that we created together, each smile that we drew on our faces, each tear that together we dried, each blue sky that we painted in our lives… With every second that I see sliding down that slide of the past, the more I miss you, the more I miss every moment we live, every laugh of which only you and I were and will be witnesses…

I count the hours that pass on my watch waiting for your messages, hoping that you and I will once again be like those children eager to discover new worlds, excited by each discovery no matter how small it may seem… I see the hours pass by my window, and The only thing I want is for God to give me the opportunity to spend Christmas with you again, to be with you again, laughing, escaping from this place together, creating our own world, where only you and I are the writers who give it life. to the same life…

I know I have made mistakes, but I swear, if you give me a chance, this time, I will do things the right way… I send you a big hug, a hug that transcends any physical barrier… You are the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in the life…

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