And There We Were, Lost In Time And Space…

There we were, she and I, like two children excited by everything that appeared before us. Excited for each new word, for each new smile that was drawn on our faces. We had once again overcome the inclement weather, and once again, the universe had surrendered to our willingness to talk again, to lose ourselves in each other, to be able to learn and discover each of the mysteries that make up life, every corner that gives meaning to its own existence.

We were like two children, happy to see each other again, more than a year without contemplating her face, without feeling that warmth that only her friendship could give my soul… Lost in the solemnity of space, we found ourselves talking as if there never was a gap in time or a fracture. We met again, we met once again with those memories that gave life to our friendship…

The idea never crossed my mind that at that precise moment, one of the most beautiful, most significant conversations would take place, and that as a natural consequence, left a smile, not only on my face but also in my heart… Beauty of life is allowing us to talk about the most sublime, subtle and divine that there is on earth, because among all the material and ephemeral of our existential plane, there are two things that have had the sagacity to escape from this cage and manage to transcend in the firmament… That’s right dear reader, I’m talking about love and friendship…

Can there be anything more beautiful than this? That is to say, two friends, two people who decided to lose themselves in each other, because it was there where their souls found peace and security, and that they found themselves conversing about the most joyful thing that can exist, about love and friendship. There is no doubt, this is an experience that borders on the divine…

I was talking with a friend about what I think love is, and how this value is paramount in my own hierarchy of values, and that consequently, this should be the main axis in my actions. There we were both, witnessing an exchange, but not only of ideas, because love transcends even beyond ideas, love does not give in, does not concentrate under this same world, which, without a doubt, for the love would be like a prison… We were then, exchanging understandings about this precious value. I vividly mentioned that I cannot conceive of friendship without love, that “friendship” is not only “friendship”, and that, therefore, by separating him from his faithful companion, or how my mother would say, from his little companion, he would become whatever thing, less friendship. It would be degraded to the political fact of the coexistence of two people, who at some point coincided in space and time, but there was no transcendence because what makes everything transcend is love.

I categorically refuse to denigrate “friendship” in such a vile and miserable way; I categorically reject that politics continue to possess the most beautiful and sublime thing we have. He is already imprisoning love, making vulgar use of it, making it simply a product of that which, by tragic consequence, reduces human relationships to “you give me and I give you”…

Before proceeding further, I believe it is necessary to clarify the term “politics”, in this way, it will be easier to understand the reason for my strong rejection.

There are several ways in which “politics” can be defined, below, I will share two that are widely accepted.

1. Science that deals with the government and organization of human societies, especially states.

2. Activity of those who govern or aspire to govern matters that affect society or a country.

If we are a bit observant, we will be able to notice that the primary axis in both is the “good of society”, and that, to achieve such a feat, the intervention of an agent created by society itself is necessary. Therefore, it is inherent to this, social relations, because, unlike the economy, here priority is given to the collective, even, if necessary, corruption, hypocrisy, lies, only because “in this way we will be able to come to fruition all together.” Therefore, politics is nothing more than the orderly coexistence of a society with its peers to achieve a greater good, as long as it is within the common.

I hope that with this you can realize why “friendship” is not possible without “love”. I have previously shared a brief reflection on my position regarding love, and how little by little it has been denigrated by the society in which we live. A society that seems to be lost in limbo, submerged in hedonism, in mundane and ephemeral pleasures, and that is why it is so easy to say “I love you”, but that, in contrast, becomes an almost daunting task to live it, feeling it and showing it.

“It is February 14, the day of love and friendship”, since we have given them a day for them, as if we were talking about a hero, if we were talking about a heroic feat, the least we can do is give them respect. We are the only ones who can depoliticize love, and finally, make “friendship” parade hand in hand with its faithful companion “love”…

Do not think that I am avoiding, or ignoring what has brought us to this point, because it was imperative to establish a bit of context about my thought. Again, if you haven’t read “The letter from a lover”, I highly recommend you give it a try.

“You are my best friend” is almost as deep, as from the heart as saying “My love”, or perhaps, if we are more adventurous, or have a little more gallantry, we could well remove “my love”, and put in its place “you’re the love of my life”. In contrast to the first, there is no space or time for jealousy to have the courage to make itself present, not even to think of itself.

Blessed are all those who are capable of pronouncing such a beatific word “friend” while addressing someone. Blessed are those who enjoy being able to be described as such. Life gives you siblings, a cousin comes to your family by divine design, a friend does not. And that is precisely where the beauty lies. The genuine connection of two souls who have decided to send everything that exists in the ephemeral world of which they can become prisoners to hell, and decide that together, they will explore new horizons that are within themselves. One does not seek to find oneself in the other, because then, we would be talking about not feeling complete with oneself. One seeks peace, love and beauty, and for this, he must take a flight in new directions, and it will be necessary to navigate through airs that are different…

It will be necessary to walk through new paths, through new mountains and hills, in order to find that soul that waited for your arrival; but this other soul has not remained inert, this escapes her divine and sacred nature, she also did her homework, but it was during the walk of both that they could meet…

Face to face, they look directly into each other’s eyes, they ask each other “is that you?”, both only manage to smile. They get closer, their hands rest together in the same place, hand in hand, they touch each other, they can’t believe it, they have walked so long, they have traveled too long, and in this walk they have met too many similar ones, but who, at the same time, they are different. Now this experience is not similar to those lived previously, a certain air of peace is breathed, and the contact of the wind on those feels like a hug that does not belong to this world, to a shelter that comes from outside. The word sublime or majestic cannot fully encompass what has happened here….

What is truly tragic is not recognizing when we are face to face with that person. It is not much about human rationing, because just as love, trying to reason friendship, makes this take away its beauty, degrades it to a simple utilitarianism. Friendship goes beyond that…

I have already written my experience with that person when the two of us were talking about this. It is now that, I can say with total certainty that friendship does not only consist of finding someone with whom you can share musical tastes, or with whom you can laugh and live moments full of joy, if that were the case, two tragedies would be occurring. We would probably just be looking for ourselves in someone’s body, or else our importance to friendship would be very shallow, mundane, and lifeless.

“I have many friends” My God what a tragedy! Tragedy? Yes, it’s a resounding yes. The tragedy here is about the prostitution of this enormous and profound word. He who dares to call anyone who produced moments of ecstasy “friend” is the one who needs to inquire more into himself to be able to give a true meaning and a solid direction to such a divine word.

I think that what friendship means to me has already become clear; In the event that there are gaps, I will express it below. “It is getting lost in the other that gives us peace and joy… in the one who makes us feel as if we were in the most beautiful of homes.”

Why without love there is no friendship? The primary axis of love is the joy of seeing the loved one happy. Do what is within one’s reach, (although, there are always adventurers who challenge their own limitations, because the flame of love that burns in their hearts burns them). For this reason, you have already entered the soul of your friend, you already know him or her so well, that for no reason would you allow yourself to see him or her sad, sob, you would not even have the audacity that all this began to take shape… And if necessary, you would get rid of your own jacket, gloves and hat so that he or she can be safe and warm… When there is friendship, it is given without expecting to receive something in return… There is no doubt how beautiful it is to be reciprocated, but it is that This is not even questioned. In true friendship, there is no way for ghosts to appear that can make any member suffer, since the bond that unites them escapes from this earthly world, which is why physical contact is not necessary to be able to strengthen this bond… Well, the souls of both have already escaped from their prison.

If you dear reader, have already had the happiness of being able to count on someone with whom you can feel full, safe and at home; Let me tell you, you have been blessed by God. And if at any time, a misunderstanding was to take place, believe me, for the union of friendship there is nothing that cannot be overcome….

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