When you need us most is when we have failed you the most, when you most need unity in these times plagued by calamities, it is when all of you children are most fighting and divided. Today everything is black or white, sweet or salty, good or bad, left or right. The middle point has been lost; that point that gave balance and unity, no matter how strong and fierce the adversities were, we always found a brother to support us when calamities were present. Today, that is a thing of the past, a past marked by disappointment, hope, and despair, by inequality, by the longing for what once was and could have been. But also, for a past, where in adversities and in glories, there was always that brotherhood, there was always a brother in the neighbor, where the right hand did not ignore its left when it needed help, and vice versa. A past that proved to us what we were made of, brought out our bravery, our hearts were dressed in gala with our determination, carrying as a banner the passion and love that united us for you no matter how different we were from each other.

Today I see how it is fading in the wind, as if it were a distant memory that is about to be forgotten. Today, everything has turned into a battle of sides, a pitched duel to see who can do more, today that brotherhood and love that united us have been buried by the anger and resentment of a few.

Gone are the days where freedom existed. Gone are those moments where there was always a point of union and unity, where freedom was respected, where it was still free in its fullness, where it belonged to all of us and not to a few. Today a trench war is being fought in the streets, where without realizing it, we are destroying what gives us identity, what makes us who we are, who gave us everything without even being born.

Freedom is about to be kidnapped, it is persecuted by those who are interested in destroying it. Thinking differently has become a sin, freedom of speech refuses to fall prisoner, it flees from the clutches of its greatest aggressor, fear, and human vices. She flees with all her strength, she holds on wherever she can, at times it seems that she is losing the battle, her legs are preparing to be chained with her fellow fighters, democracy, and justice.

Those who in their time fought to earn their place find themselves imprisoned by the one who said so much that he would protect them. Today they are nothing more than their toys with which they have fun. Freedom refuses to fall into their clutches, but it cannot do it alone, it needs its broad recognition. I am free to the extent that you are free, if you do not recognize your freedom, you will not be able to recognize mine, and she will be imprisoned and perhaps she will never be released again… What an inconsistency, right?

Difficult times await us, challenges to overcome, obstacles to overcome, challenges to face, but no success to achieve… Today Mexico needs us more than ever, today it calls out our names, implores for a truce to this trench war that is tearing away its life, hurts its soil, and darkens its skies.

We have been put against each other, today we tear ourselves apart as brothers, today we have become Cain and Abel… Where Mexico is Abel and we are its Cain…

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