The Time Has Come To Let You Go…

I release you, I let all those ties that still persist disappear, that all that keeps us in this loop that seems to have no end be lost in the abyss of time, of that same time that saw us smile and share, of that same time that gave us the joy of creating and drawing, that same time that united us…

Today, I feel that we are two strangers, two strangers with memories in common, with shared memories and with chapters that we wrote together…

Believe me when I tell you that I write these lines with a lot of fear, but also with hope, although it seems that that same hope has been fading little by little, and with it, taking a little bit of me, a little bit of my laughter and hope, of my dreams and desires… A little of my joy…

Fear of making a mistake with this little writing, fear of hurting you, of hurting your feelings, of the friendship that united us and that kept us close in the distance of our countries coming to an end… Fear of losing you, fear of losing our friendship, afraid that within the uncertainty that invades me, my vision will become cloudy and I will not be able to understand you…

Hope that our friendship remains alive, that we don’t lose you, that you and I continue to be friends… But with each day where your silence is present, a little hope dies, and uncertainty and fear take their place…

I don’t want to leave, being honest with you and myself, I don’t want to leave, I don’t want everything that united us to stay stranded in the middle of nowhere… Well, you were the most important person in my 2023… But I think it’s I better grab my suitcases, and start a new journey, a journey along new paths with the hope of finding new horizons that allow me to contemplate and appreciate how beautiful life can be…

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