Don’t worry, everything will be fine. I assure you that there will be no problem bigger than your capabilities, I promise you that, no matter how hard the storm is, you will be able to make it to a good port. Trust in your steps, let your feelings manifest, let your dreams shine, and come to life. Do not pretend to be who you are not because you want to fit in or belong, because the only thing you will achieve with it, will be, not belonging to yourself. Let the ghosts come out of the closet; do not keep them hidden for too long, or hide from them so much, because their shadow is just intimidating, but when you see them from the front, you will realize that they are not as abominable as you once thought, or perhaps as those who made you wear masks when nothing was right once made you believe.

Let every ghost come out of that closet, let your fears express themselves, at the end of the day, we have created them, and only we will be able to know what to do so that they stop hurting. Some perhaps if they perish in the continuous battles that you will fight, some others, perhaps they will become stronger, and perhaps a couple of them may fall prisoners to the eternal abyss of oblivion, and never come out of that hole again.

Do not martyr yourself for looking this way, do not demonize every feature, do not crucify every step you have taken, every fall you have suffered; for they are those falls where your strength, courage, and determination of lead came out when the world around you had collapsed. Don’t be so hard on yourself, don’t look at your wounds with displeasure, neither with disgust nor contempt, rather, love yourself a little more right there where the pain is most acute, deep, and marked. It is in the wounds, in the scars, and in the fears where the purest, sublime, and sacred of the heart lies completely, it is there that not everyone is worthy of entering, but right there where you are the one to help them heal. Do not try to wear makeup or wear long sleeves for fear of how they may be perceived, because there will be no ugliness in the right eyes.

The right eyes will see that there is that soul that perhaps they were also looking for. The right eyes will appreciate every step, every fall, every blow, and every burn, they will not run away from those wrists full of scars for what could have happened that night, on the contrary, they will want to stay, they will want to help you heal, they will stay together and inside you to relieve every pain that is housed in those wounds. There will arise from there an imperious desire to teach you that, despite the very hardness of life, there is still beauty to discover, smiles to draw, sunrises to contemplate, chapters to write, life to live, love to love, dreams to come true, longings and goals to fulfill. Those wounds that today terrify you at night invading what was once your safe place, will stop hurting, will stop being uncomfortable, and will now be the marks of war that arose in those days when you dared to live and in those moments when your heart and soul dared to show their nakedness without fear, without coverings or taboos.

Those wounds that steal your breath will be the fuel to face the fears they left in their wake. These wounds will illuminate you when you think that the world is crumbling around you because they are the sign that as long as you keep breathing, there is still something left to do in this world, you still have words to write, stories to tell, people to love, songs to sing, and music to dance.

Those ghosts and fears that frighten you today and that take over your peace, are not impossible to overcome, because they are the result of those experiences where your heart got hurt when it dared to beat and feel a little beyond the world of ideas where it moves freely and without fears.

Please, when you look in the mirror, observe carefully and do not lose detail of your looking. In some places they say the eyes are the window of the soul, so pay attention to it, hug yourself a little tighter, like on that occasion when you would have liked to be hugged when your heart was desperately screaming for help, where inside the blinding darkness was releasing smoke signals that no one saw, where peace was crying out, where your heart screamed so loudly that the walls of your soul shook, but still no one ran to its aid.

Before going to sleep, remember one thing, everything is temporary, even what you think has no end, let me tell you that it does, that that pain that overwhelms you will end and you will be able to once again contemplate in its maximum splendor the pure and sincere beauty that life has to offer you. You will smile again, you will live again, and you will even carry with pride every wound that you reject today because they themselves will have taught you your purest value because hearts of gold are not cheap.

You will turn to heaven and cry out “Thank you God for having allowed me to live, for having allowed me to feel, thanks to you, today I am the man you needed me to be to ignite the coals of my soul and of those who through my words find relief and refuge when loneliness and anguish knock on the doors of their lives. Thank you God, for allowing me not to throw in the towel or wave that white flag when I thought about ending it all. Thank you because in your happiness I have been reborn because, in your merciful and all-powerful love, I found a true friend, a counselor, a brother, and a father at the same time. It was in your very love that I was able to recognize my value and I began to love and embrace, pamper, and respect myself. Thank you God for having given me the privilege of walking on the paths that fell down in front of me, and for stumbling the times I did, now I realize that, I never walked alone, you were always there, inside me, being that voice that forbade me to give up and urged me to keep moving forward, to walk when I couldn’t run, and even to crawl when my feet wouldn’t allow me to walk, it was you who gave me that strength that made my heart never stop beating. Thank you God for making me who I am and giving me the life I have.”

Do not be afraid of how it will be tonight, do not give power to anxiety or anguish, that I know that everything will be resolved, that I know that there will be no road that you cannot cross, there will be no mountain that leaves you without breathing, there will be nothing that will take away the words that you still have to write… How do I know? Easy, because I am yourself…

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