And From the First Moment, You already loved Me…

And I wasn’t born yet and your heart was already beating for me. And I was not yet born and your lips were already saying my name with the greatest love that can exist, the love of a mother. I was still in your womb, and you were already cooing at me and singing lullabies to me. I was not born yet and I was already your greatest happiness. I wasn’t born yet, but we were already laughing and feeling together. He wasn’t born yet and he was already your greatest treasure. Oh, my mother, my caregiver, and my guide, blessed is mine to contemplate your face and to be able to call you my mother!

And it is that I was still a pile of cells looking for meaning, trying to find a way, while in your heart the name that you would grant me was already embroidered with golden silk. In the cosmos, your motherhood was already forging the love that would be born there.

When I laughed, you laughed with me, when I used to say “Mom come, I want to show you something” You came with alacrity and joy to discover the world of motherhood through my innocent eyes, those eyes that today enjoy the blessing of carrying your same tint.

When I suffered a cut, when I fell, when I suffered a blow or stumble, you were the one who bled, the one who suffered, and cried, you were the woman who absorbed all the calamities of the world, to draw me an ideal world. You were my comfort in the nights when the monsters under the bed and the closet were stalking me, with your embrace, with your love, with your voice I felt protected, because I knew that, by your side, there would be nothing that could with us.

“”Mommy, do I have talents?”. “Of course, yes, little son, but we still have to discover them”” You used to tell me in those days when I didn’t even believe in myself, because since I was in your womb, you knew that I would be special,

I don’t need it to be May 10th, or the date of your birthday, of your saint, or any other date marked on the calendar to know how much I love you, and to be able to shout to heaven and say to God “Oh God, thank you for having blessed me with the mother I have”.

Mother, thank you for having loved me when I was not yet born, you gave me everything from the first moment you knew of my existence. You stopped being for yourself and now you were for me. With every advice, with every scolding, with every talk, with every word, you left a little of yourself, to give it to me, and you, without asking anything in return, gave everything you were and everything you had.

Now that the years have passed, I realize that, where there was more love, it was not in the beautiful words of encouragement, nor in the cuddles or in the hugs, but, in every scolding, in every wake-up call, where your heart came out of you to offer me protection and guidance in that evil world. You put your chest to the bullets when it came to defending me.

Thank you, Mother, because without you, I would not be the man, nor the son that I am now. Thank you, Mother, for taking care of my steps, my decisions, and my actions. Thank you, Mother, because without asking for anything in return, you accepted the task that God had appointed you, motherhood, and I am given the greatest of all privileges, to be your son. Thank you, Mother, thank you…

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