The Beating Of A Heart.

And you, why do you write? Because behind the rhymes turned into prose I can express what my heart feels and longs for. And you, why do you recite? Because through the metaphors that parade in verse is how my heart heals its wounds. And you, why do you compose songs? Because through rhythms and melodies is how my soul is freed and lives…

And you, why do you draw? Because in my eyes a world different from the rest is outlined. And you, why do you dance? Because through the contour of my body and the rhythm of my steps, it is how my heart knows that we continue living… And why do you model? Because I learned that my body is a work of art, because I learned to give it its value… And you, why do you play the piano? Because through the treble and bass is how I can say what my soul has kept silent…

And you, why do you paint? Because in my hands will lie the world in which I want to live, and in them lies the world in which I have lived… And you, why do you read? Because crossing those lines embroidered on paper I have been able to find the words for which my heart once begged so much… And you, why do you photograph everything in your path? Because deep within my being is born the imperative need to immortalize every moment that has given me meaning… Because within my being, I contemplate a beauty that has gone unnoticed…

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