The early morning of June 2 hosted one of the most important elections in the country’s history. It wasn’t just choosing between project A or project B; It was something more important, something bigger and more vital; It was something that transcends time and surpasses ourselves. It was time to decide under what regime we want to live in the future, not only in the next 6 years but perhaps in the long term.

A highly intrusive state in the process. A ruler who, from his lectern, condemned with the wrath of God, but who, also with the same goodness of God, was capable of forgiving those who surrendered before him on their knees. A highly dangerous president, encouraging at every moment he had the speech of hate and polarization, the speech of “Them and us”, “the good and the bad”, and “those who do not follow me are traitors to the country.” ” as if he himself were the country made a person.

A head of state who, unfortunately, never surpassed his own candidate stage; a president who, from the palace where he lives, has been in charge of manipulating and extorting people in his favor, and of covering up anything that could damage the image of being pristine and infallible that his party builds around him.

It was the citizens vs the state. The strength of a few against the machinery and coercive power of the state. The fight that sought to put constitutional brakes on a party that has left more than 180,000 people dead, on a party that turned its back on health and education, on a government that made fun of young people who dream of being athletes, scientists or artists. It was Mexico against Mexico, where the only winner was them. Those who said they were going to protect freedom and democracy, those who said they would ensure compliance with rights and laws. They who today rejoice while we bleed, while Mexico bleeds.

It was a tough, unequal contest, and full of abuses, but even knowing the monster that we had in front of us, millions of Mexicans took to the streets to vote, they took to the streets to defend the democracy for which our ancestors fought. Even knowing what we were facing, we had the guts to go out and fight, to not give up, and we should be very proud of that.

They won the battle, but Mexico is not finished yet, it is still breathing.

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