And everyone has been looking for you, and everyone has wondered where you are. A lot has been said about you, movies and series have been recorded in your honor. Songs written in praise of you, poems composed longing for your presence that travels in the silence of the compass of time, paintings portrayed manifesting the authentic essence that gives you life, making manifest with each brush stroke how you are coming to life, how you make your way through each one of us. Letters have been written in your name, melodies are about you.

Life itself tells us about you with every caress of the wind brushing on our face, with the rays of the sun penetrating through our windows at dawn, pouring peace and joy into the hearts that contemplate your sunset at 7 pm. Life is the one who tells us about you with every song where the birds lie, with the silent sound of the passing of the hours, with the unison of the patter of the rain through the window and the unmistakable smell of wet earth embraced by the always blessed aroma of coffee.

There where memories now lie and where those moments rest, what you are is reflected, but, without realizing it, your presence is now in the hot soup that awaits us to embrace us in the middle of the rain, in those days when it seems that the sky is falling. Where you manifest yourself in each “You take care of yourself, it’s cold”, “Have you eaten yet?”, expressing yourself fully, because one of the most beautiful gifts there is, is being important to someone, someone to who genuinely cares about our well-being.

You take the body and soul of the one who welcomes us with open arms when we return home, you camouflage yourself in those little four-legged friends who gladly move their tails when they perceive our aroma. You take the body of those who bear our name in their hearts. Your spirit works delicately in that which gives us peace, in that which makes us feel free…

You have been searched for without knowing that you have never left…

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