Look at us… So distant, so far from each other, so unknown, so far apart… Look at us, lost in the immensity of time and space… Look at us here… When a year ago, you and I were united, when we made promises to be for each other, when we shared our fears, when we were the reason for our smiles, when just by listening to your voice, my soul calmed down and I knew that everything would be fine… Those days when we were accomplices and witnesses of our promise of an eternal friendship, of a union who in his time overcame the barriers of space, a union that overcame the tests that time and distance prostrated in front of his path… The two, united by a friendship, by a desire, by an indissoluble union…

Maybe this message will remain lost within the vast expanse of space, within the very eternity that surrounds us, maybe my words will remain without a new home and the carrier pigeon will lose its way or its wings will get tired and it will not reach its destination, to a new home which can take care of the feelings of which these words are embroidered…

In the blink of an eye, life decided to give us different directions, in a jiffy, our paths became different, alien to each other. Without realizing it, that castle that our endless conversations built seems to be falling down with every day that our steps get further away. That fortress that our laughter raised, today seems to lose resistance to the inexorable inclemency of time and distance. That sky that we painted blue, today it’s starting to turn gray… No matter how many kilometers of water get in my way. Those promises that I was going to take care of you and that I would always be there for you can never be bent by time or space, there will be no force capable of breaking every promise I ever made to you…

If one day you find yourself crying and turn to look at me, I will be there, with a handkerchief to dry your tears, with a cup of tea to warm your heart, with a hug to heal every wound and internal blow, with a joke to make you laugh, with ears to listen to you, and a look ready to let you know that everything will be okay and that I will never leave you alone…

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