And so, Without Warning, You arrived…

And you came, without asking permission you entered my life, and without asking for anything in return, you gave me smiles… And you came, without asking permission you appeared when I least expected it, you came into my life and showed me a world I didn’t know, a world full of songs that embrace your soul, a world full of laughter and smiles that soothe the heart like chicken soup does in the rainy season…

And you came, just like that without warning you came into my life at the moment I was wandering in search of a friendship… And you came, just like that without saying anything other than with your smile you comforted me when my soul was in chaos, without judging you listened to me that day I told you about her… And you came, without seeing yourself coming you snuck into the most hidden places of my heart, and perhaps without realizing it, you hugged me where it hurts, and it was in that hug where I knew I had found a good person… And you came when I least expected it, but perhaps when I needed it most… And you came and sharing music took off again sense…

Forgive me if my language is too bold, but it is in the midst of prose and verse where my most genuine feelings and thoughts manage to escape from this corporeal prison… As Alejandro Sanz would say, it is not that I want to tell them the news, it is that I want to give you a poem…

And you came and I didn’t know how to act, I was with my guard down, but with all the excitement of the arrival of someone to share and create a story of friendship with… You came on the least expected day, but at the right time… And you came on a Tuesday among so many, but now that Tuesday is no longer one in a million, but is The Tuesday…

You came just like that without warning, just like that unexpectedly our paths crossed on that day that we decided to talk to each other for the first time, but just like that it was and has been beautiful to get to know you a little more with the passing of the days… You came just like that without saying anything, and it’s beautiful… If you read this, I know that you will know that I have written about you in this little poem in prose…

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