Chapter 7. Memories.

There they were, one and the other, both united in a single spirit engaged in a fortuitous search for freedom for the maximum expression of that mystical, pure, and even unknown love, thus transcending the earthly plane, overcoming those physical and metaphysical barriers that in their timing prevented Romeo and Juliet from getting over their unhappy love as mentioned by Kierkegaard.

He with a quick step, as if his life depended on it, approached where his beloved was. He observed something different in her face, something that intrigued him and prompted his spirit to leave his body and enter that of his beloved, and thus be able, without any barrier, to embrace her in the most solemn and pure conditions that only God can grant.

"What happened? Why is that urgency in your messages? Something happened to you?" Juan managed to ask with such anguish that he squeezed the deepest and most unknown parts of his heart, while he fervently held the hands of his beautiful lover.

"Calm down, don't worry so much" Margarita answered while she saw how the eyes of her Romeo crystallized when meeting her sweet gaze.

"It is impossible for you to ask me such a thing, you well know what, there is no being on earth that I care about more than you." Dear reader, I have to mention with urgent necessity that, for Juan, there are only two types of women in the world; The first category is made up of all those women who inhabit the earth, with their qualities and defects inherent to the human being. On the other hand, the second category was made up only of Margarita, because in her she found peace, love, shelter, a new home in her heart.

"Calm down love, I'm fine" Margarita said as she lowered her gaze, and a slight exhalation was present. "It's just that my parents had a rather strong argument last night" That glow of joy characteristic of her was slowly fading from her beautiful face.

"But do you know why they were arguing?"

“Honestly I have no idea… I just know what, I haven't seen them like this in a long time… They both looked really upset. It scared me a lot ”She said this as she clung to the arms of her lover, putting her head under Juan's chin. She was in search of a refuge from the pain that caused her the night before.

"I don't know what to tell you, I wish I could get into that beautiful heart that you carry and give you a bit of comfort and warmth... Maybe right now I can't offer you much, but I will give you my unconditional love and support" Juan answered while hugging his beloved. He took her face and while he caressed the soft and delicate skin of her cheeks, he tenderly observed her reddish nose as a result of her shedding tears. He gazed tenderly into those eyes that first captivated him many years ago. He kissed her forehead and told her while she looked sweetly into her eyes "As long as we stay together, everything will be fine, let me be your guardian angel here on earth, let me be the one who takes care of you, who apart from you your fears and insecurities..."

That pair of young people inexperienced in life came together in that sublime embrace, a new love pact had just been signed in the immensities of the firmament...

"You don't know how happy I am to have you by my side, in you I find my safe place" Margarita replied with a smile that invaded every corner of her face.

“Would you like to walk around our park for a bit?” John asked.

Both lovers got lost in their park, in that place that no longer looked so gloomy or desolate, now it was as if suddenly, a seasonal change had occurred, it was no longer autumn, that winter that was approaching as one of the coldest, had been left behind in the memory of time. It was spring again, the flowers were blooming, the bees were coming to carry out one of the vital processes for humanity, pollination. That vibrant green foliage had returned, life was breathed everywhere, fears and doubts had been left behind. Now it was just the two of them, lost in each other, embraced by the sublime and delicate vegetation of their park, that park that has witnessed so many memories, so many laughs, kisses and hugs, the words that only the two of them knew.

Thus several minutes passed, both remembering the moments that had brought them together, the tears and wounds that healed in each other's arms…

“She was terrified. I was really scared. I'm still afraid, afraid that my parents will separate; It would break my heart to see my parents get divorced. That's why I sent you messages with such insistence…” She said as they both approached a bench made up of a few logs.

"You'll see that your parents aren't going to divorce" Juan replied as he stood in front of her and took her hands.

"It's just that if you had seen how they got..."

"Try to think less about what happened yesterday, and what you think could happen, and focus a little more on now, which is what really matters" Interrupted Juan

They spent several minutes walking, going from one place to another, remembering every moment they lived in their park. Upon meeting again with those places where moments and events occurred, it was impossible not to recreate in his mind how they were, and everything they brought with them.

“There was something I wanted to ask you. Well, rather, I want to invite you” Juan said.

"Where to?" Margarita asked with a certain intrigue that was impossible to hide on her face.

"You see, my parents are hosting a posada at our house, and I was wondering if you'd like to join us?"

“Of course yes! I am happy in life to accompany you. Remember, it makes me happy that you include me in your plans.”

"Perfect. I'll pick you up at your house."

This is how those young lovers continued, that couple who were still discovering life itself, that couple of young people who, with an imperious desire born from their hearts, longed to explore every corner of the world holding hands...
We will return with this pair of young people in love with each other, and in love with life. It's time for us to take a look at another character who will bring us a lot along this little walk.