About Me

“Perhaps the beauty of life is that it is mysterious, that every day that comes, is one more Pandora’s box waiting to be opened…”

Jorge Arturo Vedolla Colin

What can I write here? There’s honestly not much I can write on this page. That is, I don’t think one can say “I am like this and like that”; That is why the best way to get to know me a little more will be through the small writings that I have published, and the new works that are to come… Perhaps, we as humans are the result of our thoughts, and in turn, our thoughts, are shaped by the material conditions that contain them… Having said the above, I do not believe that there is always an “I”, because that which we refer to as “I” or “oneself”, is found constantly evolving due to external conditions that shape to a certain extent its internal limitations, with the help of its internal perception… Perhaps, the best thing is to just enjoy the path, without thinking too much, and feel more… And be amazed like a child in a toy store. every new hallway, every new thing we come across on our way…

I am still very young, I am only 23 years old, I still have a world to discover, a life to live, and new experiences to create and share… But, in this small stretch that I have had the joy of walking, I have realized the beauty behind books… Where each idea and feeling flows freely through the pages, dancing among the letters that give them a home… Writing, therefore, is the perfect showcase for the soul and mind, to be able to come together, to be able to be one thing, without conflicts, without doubts or fears… Writing is the perfect place where my soul finds its total plenitude and freedom… Where barriers are broken, where bridges are built… I have always believed in the honesty of the heart and in the nobility of genuine feelings…