Coming Soon...

I am still very young, and I still have many things to live, to feel, to experience, to express, to write, and perhaps, I still have a lot to cry, however, there will be plenty of reasons why my soul will smile; But more importantly, there are still many smiles to draw on the faces of the people I love, there are still many days to give life to, skies to paint, tears to clean, wounds to heal…

Nevertheless within my youth, lies within me, the deepest and strongest restlessness in entering into the most beautiful thing that can exist in this life, in that which gives meaning to our actions, in that which tries to escape from its world to manifest itself among us in a thousand and one ways… Of what drives us to get out of bed, of what moves us to create smiles on the faces of our neighbors… That’s right ladies and gentlemen, I’m talking about love…

There is nothing more beautiful than the art of loving and being loved, there is nothing more sublime and majestic in life than being able to share with someone you love… But here some questions arise: What does it mean to love? Will it be something immutable, something that is and will always be the way it is? Or does love evolve? Is love a feeling? But, if that were the case, love would be something ephemeral, something that exists today, and tomorrow may not… Or maybe not necessarily, perhaps, the feeling is that precursor, therefore, “loving” would be a feeling to some extent…


Here, dear readers, where the urgent need arises to mention the people who, in one way or another, have influenced the development of this great passion that fills my life, and above all, it is necessary to highlight their names, because their path for my life they have led me to start writing my first great work…

My Father, an exceptional person, a person who without a doubt showed me how to be a good man, a good person… With his example he taught me what it means to be a brave warrior, one of those who does not bow his head in the face of adversity, of those who risk it for their family, for the ones they love…

Obviously, it would be unforgivable to commit an act as atrocious as not mentioning the name of the great man who my grandfather Jorge Colin was… It was he who, with his example, taught me how beautiful and exciting reading can be… It was he who taught me It is never too late to learn, to be a better person…

I dedicate this work with great affection to my great friend Margarita Malashkevich, she who has always believed in me, in every project, in every adventure… She who from the first moment I told her about my dream of writing, believed in me… To her who has helped me to use my wings again to fly high, and reach where the biggest and brightest stars rest… She who from a distance made me feel appreciated, who taught me that there is no need to live around the corner to really appreciate someone…